We welcome poetry, prose, and art submissions from those ages 13-24.
Our submissions are currently closed
1-3 poems of no more than 1000 words each
1-3 fiction and/or nonfiction works (short stories, essays, memoirs, etc.) of no more than 2000 words each
1-3 visual art pieces of all forms (photography, paintings, prints, etc.)

Poetry and Prose: pdf or docx document, Art: png or jpg file
Please email all submissions to with the subject as your last name, first name, your piece’s title, and your piece’s genre (example: Dickinson, Emily, “Because I could not stop for Death”, poetry)​​.
If you have multiple submissions, please attach them in separate files.
Since we read blindly, please do not include identifying information (name, bio, etc.) in your submission documents.
Poetry and prose submissions must be written in English, and we ask that you format them as follows: Times New Roman font, 12-pt, single spaced.
For all submissions, please include a third-person biography in the body of your email. We ask that your bio contains your age and country of residence.
We typically provide a response within 2 weeks of your submission. If you haven't heard from us after 3 weeks, please feel free to inquire.
Simultaneous submissions: We accept and encourage them! However, please notify us immediately if your piece is accepted elsewhere.
Previously published pieces: We accept them as well! However, please notify us if your piece falls into this category (including where it was first published).
We ask for first North American serial rights if you publish with us. Copyright will revert to the author upon publication, but please cite Paracosm Literary Journal in future journals.
As this is a volunteer-run organization, we are unable to pay contributors at this time.
Please keep in mind that work containing discriminatory content and/or plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated. Since this is a youth publication, we also ask that you avoid submitting excessively violent, sexual, or profane material.